Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Enjoy the Journey

I have been a little MIA lately, for a handful of reasons. This blog resembles my personal journal in that I have many resolutions to start and several breaks in between those resolutions. But such is life! The nice summer weather and a little vacation has motivated me to recommit to updating this blog with our happenings.

One of the reasons for my little hiatus is due to the fact that my family's life took a turn for the unexpected. In September 2010 my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer; glioblastoma specifically. Not the news you expect to hear, want to hear, or ever imagine hearing. Cancer always affects other people, but not you. In reality, it likely will affect you. For quite some time I've been learning how to handle it and I wasn't in the mood to blog happy thoughts, or sad thoughts for that matter. I've learned many things during the last 9 months. Most of them I am grateful for. The thing I am most grateful for is my family and for the sealing power of the priesthood that has bound us together for eternity. It is remarkable how there are miracles and blessings in the face of adversity and tragedy. God never leaves us, and for that I am grateful as well.

Fortunately, my mom is doing considerably well for what the doctors expected. She had surgery the day following her diagnosis, and went through radiation therapy and chemotherapy until a few months ago when it got to be too much for her body to handle. Since she stopped treatment, her quality of life has actually improved. Things aren't like they were before the cancer, but they are better than where we have been. And for that, I am grateful. Josh and I get to make dinner with my mom and dad every Tuesday and spend the evening together. It's one of my favorite nights of the week. We also have many family dinners on Sundays together with the rest of my growing family -- 3 baby nephews on the way this summer! And of course lots of chats over the phone and visits as often as we can.

I've resolved that there are reasons why hard things happen in our lives. Ultimately, I believe it's to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father and with one another, and to truly know what it means to trust in the Lord. I am very close with my mom and so this has been quite the challenge. But fortunately, I have an amazing husband, a wonderful family, incredible in-laws, great friends, and most of all, a completely understanding Savior. And so with that, I close this (not so short) post. For my own reasons, I plan on posting some events of the past few months and, of course, the present. Enjoy the journey!


Dasha said...

Oh Heather I love this post. You are such an example to me and I love having you as a friend/fellow enrichment slave/traveling and early morning running buddy. Hope things with your mom get better. Let me know if there is anything I can ever do to help you out.

Jeff and Mallory said...

It was heartbreaking to hear about your sweet mama. I hope you know that I think about you a lot for some reason and I know we always say this but I would love to get together sometime. I think you are the greatest! Glad to hear you are doing well! Love ya!

Mel said...

Dear Sweeat Heather,
I'm glad you are starting to reach an acceptance or openness with such a difficult life experience. Josh mentioned something to Shawn last fall, so I knew what was going on, but you had never brought it up...and so I never mentioned anything. Sometimes I think it is nice to have space where you don't have to talk about your trials, or be reminded of them. I wanted you to have that somehow... I do want you to know that I have thought about you often. Many prayers have been sent in your family's direction. I hope you continue to enjoy the journey, no matter how difficult it gets. You are so strong. I know I don't see you much, but you are a dear friend. Lots of love.

Ashley said...

Heather, thanks for writing that post. I'm sure it was super hard but it was so beautifully put. You and your family are in our prayers.

Josh and Heather said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet thoughts! It means a lot to know people care

Josh and Heather said...
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